Wednesday, April 7, 2010

HUGE observation

I've been reading the curriculum used with the confirmation class here. I've also started the book that the pastor and I will be reading together. The curriculum is CRC stuff. The book is Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Both fed into my newly remembered realization: God is so much bigger than I remember.

I love the Kevin Smith idea of God being played by Alanis Morisette and enjoying skeeball. I have enjoyed watching people debate God's gender. I've sung along with Veggie Tales: God is bigger than the boogie man. But all of those limit God in ways that don't apply.

With a skeeball God, it's a character named God. I doubt Kev would even say it's more than that. Gender applies to fathomable creatures like a dog or cat or narwhal. And God being bigger than the boogie man is so silly because God is SO MUCH bigger than anything I can comprehend. I have to admit the biggest realization for me in reading these books and thinking these thoughts: God is not a punchline.

Don't get worried. I'm not going to become this super serious "Christian" type who has no sense of humor when it comes to religion or church stuff or even some sacred things. Nor is every post here going to be directly about ministry or even about religious stuff. Or they all will be because that's the framework that comes with understanding me at all. Here's what I'm trying to get at: I am remembering, though, the love that drew me to God, to church and to youth ministry.

The other thought that piggybacks on this takes me back to a conversation I had once with a friend's father. I was trying to decide which job to apply for and what my calling was. The man's advice was to do what I most wanted to do. Follow my passion. He said it didn't matter much which I chose as long as I cared about what I did. "God will be glorified regardless of your job title and independent from you."

God is so many things and I don't get to pick which apply. All the attributes (confirmation vocab word, there) of God are named by God. I'm too finite to even comprehend...

As Francis Chan writes, "Isn't it a comfort to worship a God we cannot exaggerate?"

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