Monday, April 12, 2010

motivation v. discipline

I need to change my mindset. Or I need to talk to more go-get-'em kind of people and find out how they do everything they do. I find it so hard to get started. Once I'm in the middle of something, having a strong work ethic is a little less elusive, but taking that first step is the hardest.

Sometimes I try the game of giving myself just 1 or 2 things I have to do during the day. Yesterday it was to clean the bathroom and clean the filter for the vacuum cleaner. Both jobs together took only about 30 minutes but the first required finding the cleaning supplies in the mess of bags and boxes from the move. The second part-- that stupid vacuum filter-- always results in me sneezing for a good hour or so and it's just gross to see all the dust, cat fur & hair that accumulates from vacuuming.

Some part of me longs to be one of those people that can attack a to-do list with a vengeance. I think it would be awesome to be efficient and get so much done in so little time. That doesn't come naturally to me at all. Is that a natural thing for other people?

A college prof/friend once told me that he thought I waited for inspiration and motivation to strike when I should be pursuing discipline. He was right. I don't know if that's a part of my personality I can change or if I'm doomed to constantly annoy myself with the rush of adrenaline that comes from procrastinating right up to a deadline.

I need to try to fight that. I need to continue to pursue some healthy rhythms and get settled in a routine.

No more excuses...even if they're clever.

(Of course typing that and implementing that are so very, very different.)

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean Slambfriend. When my treadmill was in the basement I always used to say that the hardest part of the workout was walking down the stairs (really the hardest part of most things for me is getting off the couch).

    I'm the same way, there are things I want to do, that need to be done, but getting started is always the hardest part. I like the idea of pursuing discipline. That's a good theory.

    Let me know how it works out, and what tricks you used. I hear writing lists helps. Maybe i can take a feather out of your cap!

    X's and O's
